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Author: Multiple Authors
Publication Date: June 2017
Topics: Marine Law, Oceans Act
Author: Linda Nowlan, Maryann Watson
Publication Date: May 2017
Pages: 12
Author: Linda Nowlan
Publication Date: May 2017
Pages: 1
Topics: Marine Protected Areas, Oceans Act
Author: Linda Nowlan
Publication Date: May 2017
Pages: 2
Topics: Marine Protected Areas, Oceans Act
Author: (Multiple Authors)
Publication Date: May 2017
Pages: 5
Author: West Coast Environmental Law Association, Tsleil-Waututh Nation Sacred Trust
Publication Date: May 2017
Pages: 6
Topics: Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Project
Author: Eugene Kung
Publication Date: March 2017
Pages: 20
Topics: National Energy Board
Author: Andrew Gage
Publication Date: February 2017
Topics: Carbon Majors, Climate Law in our Hands
Author: Linda Nowlan, Maryann Watson
Publication Date: January 2017
Pages: 9
Topics: Marine Protected Areas
Author: Gavin Smith
Publication Date: January 2017
Pages: 14
Topics: Oil tankers, Pacific coast