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Author: Linda Nowlan
Publication Date: August 2017
Pages: 12
Topics: Fisheries Act
Author: Anna Johnston, Jessica Clogg
Publication Date: August 2017
Pages: 19
Topics: Environmental Assessment
Author: Anna Johnston, Jessica Clogg
Publication Date: August 2017
Pages: 4
Topics: National Energy Board
Author: West Coast Environmental Law Association, Nature Canada, MiningWatch Canada, Centre Québécois du Droit de L’Environnement, Wildlife Conservation Society Canada, Anna Johnston, Jessica Clogg
Publication Date: August 2017
Pages: 4
Topics: Environmental Assessment
Author: Anna Johnston
Publication Date: August 2017
Pages: 40
Topics: Environmental Assessment
Author: Jessica Clogg, Anna Johnston, Linda Nowlan, Eugene Kung, Andrew Gage
Publication Date: July 2017
Pages: 8
Topics: Environmental Assessment, NEB, Fisheries Act, Navigation Protection Act
Author: Georgia Lloyd-Smith
Publication Date: June 2017
Pages: 16
Topics: Marine Protected Areas, Co-governance
Author: Jessica Clogg, Eugene Kung, Gavin Smith, Andrew Gage
Publication Date: June 2017
Pages: 8
Topics: Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain project, BC Government
Author: Jessica Clogg, Gavin Smith, Deborah Carlson, Hannah Askew
Publication Date: June 2017
Pages: 120
Topics: Lands and forests, environmental assessment, Indigenous law
Author: Linda Nowlan, Maryann Watson, Georgia Lloyd-Smith
Publication Date: June 2017
Pages: 3
Topics: Oceans Act, Marine Protection