Please see below to download materials for the Oceans 20 Interdisciplinary Workshop on Canada's Oceans Act (June 13-15, 2017).
Oceans 20 Workshop - Full Program
Oceans 20 Workshop - Attendees
1) Bill C-98 and the Oceans Act: A Retrospective
These two briefs present background on the early history of the Oceans Act from an ENGO perspective.
3) Linking Science and Law: Minimum Protection Standards for Canada's Marine Protected Areas
In this brief, West Coast presents recommendations for updating the Oceans Act to translate scientifically-determined protection standards into law. We discuss the importance of law for MPAs, review the scientific rationale for protection standards and the current legal practice regarding standards under the Oceans Act, and examine problems with current practices. [Version française]
4) Co-governance of Marine Protected Areas in Canada
This backgrounder explores co-governance of MPAs between Indigenous nations and the Crown in Canada. [Version française]
5) Evolution of Legal Obligations to Create Marine Protected Areas
This timeline captures some of the key developments in marine protection law and targets to create MPA networks, both in Canada and around the globe.
6) Marine Protected Area Progress Globally and in Canada
Different countries have different laws governing the creation of marine protected areas (MPAs). This chart shows the main MPA law or policy from each country, and demonstrates the progress being made in marine protection in different parts of the world.
7) Jurisdiction in Coastal BC Infographic
There are many different legal authorities and regulations that have some bearing on the management of the shoreline and marine environment in BC. The infographic demonstrates the need for a more integrated approach to coastal management, involving all levels of government – federal, provincial, Indigenous and municipal.
8) Process: Establishing and Managing MPAs under the Oceans Act
The DFO process for selecting and designating an Oceans Act MPA.
9) Comments on the Oceans Act: Translating the Vision into Law. Comments on Bill C-98