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Author: Linda Nowlan, Georgia Lloyd-Smith, Stephanie Hewson, Maryann Watson
Publication Date: November 2017
Pages: 28
Topics: Oceans Act, Marine Protection, Bill C-55
Author: West Coast Environmental Law Association, David Suzuki Foundation, Ecojustice, Environmental Defence, Freshwater Alliance, Pembina Institute, Northern Confluence, Tides Canada
Publication Date: November 2017
Pages: 12
Topics: Federal environmental laws
Author: Linda Nowlan, Maryann Watson, Georgia Lloyd-Smith, Stephanie Hewson
Publication Date: November 2017
Pages: 2
Topics: Oceans Act, Marine Protection
Author: Deborah Carlson, Staff Lawyer
Publication Date: November 2017
Pages: 1
Author: Multiple authors
Publication Date: October 2017
Pages: 2
Topics: North Pacific coast oil tanker ban
Author: West Coast Environmental Law Association
Publication Date: October 2017
Pages: 51
Topics: Oceans Act, Marine Protection
Author: West Coast Environmental Law Association, CPAWS, David Suzuki Foundation, Ecology Action Centre
Publication Date: October 2017
Pages: 2
Topics: Oceans Act, Marine Protection
Author: West Coast Environmental Law Association, CPAWS, Ecology Action Centre, David Suzuki Foundation, WWF-Canada, East Coast Environmental Law, Conservation Council of New Brunswick
Publication Date: October 2017
Pages: 2
Topics: Oceans Act, Marine Protection
Author: Gavin Smith
Publication Date: October 2017
Pages: 11
Topics: Oil tankers, Bill C-48, Oil Tanker Moratorium Act
Author: Hannah Askew, Corey Snelgrove, Kelsey R Wrightson, Don Couturier, Alisa Koebel, Linda Nowlan, Karen Bakker
Publication Date: September 2017
Pages: 54
Topics: UNDRIP, FPIC, Indigenous Law