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Author: West Coast Environmental Law
Publication Date: October 2015
Pages: 5
Topics: Environmental flow needs (EFNs), Water Sustainability Act (WSA)
Author: Anna Johnston
Publication Date: October 2015
Pages: 7
Topics: Environmental law, fisheries, water, federal party positions
Author: Seventeen Canadian Organizations
Publication Date: September 2015
Pages: 5
Topics: charities, federal party positions, charitable rules
Author: Energy Forum
Publication Date: August 2015
Pages: 5
Topics: BC climate leadership consultation
Author: Gavin Smith, Justine Desmond
Publication Date: July 2015
Topics: Summary Of The applicants’ written arguments in the legal challenges to the Enbridge Northern Gateway approval
Author: Anna Johnston
Publication Date: December 2014
Pages: 4
Topics: Federal environmental law rollbacks, Canada Marine Act, Environmental assessment, Species at risk
Author: West Coast Environmental Law
Publication Date: November 2014
Pages: 2
Topics: Andrew Thompson Award 2014 Brochure
Author: Anna Johnston
Publication Date: November 2014
Pages: 8
Topics: Environmental Assessment; Cumulative Effects; Public Participation; Sustainability
Author: Jessica Clogg; Anna Johnston
Publication Date: November 2014
Pages: 7
Topics: Environmental Assessment; Cumulative Effects; Public Participation; Sustainability
Author: Andrew Gage
Publication Date: October 2014
Pages: 28
Topics: Climate Damages Litigation, Climate Change