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Author: Andrew Gage and Michael Byers
Publication Date: October 2014
Pages: 62
Topics: Climate Damages Litigation, Climate Change
Author: West Coast Environmental Law Association & Ors
Publication Date: October 2014
Pages: 5
Topics: Societies Act, Civil Society
Author: Anna Johnston
Publication Date: September 2014
Pages: 8
Topics: fish, fisheries
Author: Clogg, Jessica
Publication Date: July 2014
Pages: 2
Topics: First Nations, tar sands, Enbridge, pipelines and tankers, energy
Author: Jessica Clogg
Publication Date: May 2014
Pages: 5
Topics: cumulative effects, environmental assessment, liquefied natural gas
Author: Jessica Clogg
Publication Date: May 2014
Pages: 4
Topics: Forest Tenure; Forestry
Author: Jessica Clogg
Publication Date: May 2014
Pages: 4
Topics: Forest Tenure; Forestry
Author: West Coast Environmental Law, CPAWS-BC, SierraClub BC, Forest Solutions, Wilderness Committee
Publication Date: February 2014
Pages: 2
Topics: Bill 4, Park Amendment Act, 2014, Protected Areas
Author: Andrew Gage
Publication Date: December 2013
Pages: 4
Topics: Cosmetic Pesticide Ban, Integrated Pest Management Regulations
Author: Andrew Gage
Publication Date: November 2013
Pages: 17
Topics: Water Sustainability Act