Environmental Law Alert Blog

Through our Environmental Law Alert blog, West Coast keeps you up to date on the latest developments and issues in environmental law. This includes:

  • proposed changes to the law that will weaken, or strengthen, environmental protection;
  • stories and situations where existing environmental laws are failing to protect the environment; and
  • emerging legal strategies that could be used to protect our environment.

If you have an environmental story that we should hear about, please e-mail Andrew Gage. We welcome your comments on any of the posts to this blog – but please keep in mind our policies on comments.

2020 Canadian Law Blog Awards Winner

[Update - 4 Jul 2013 - Unfortunately the bee deaths in 2012 were apparently not a one time event, with reports that tens of millions of honey bees have died this summer in one town in Ontario, apparently due to exposure to neonicotinoid pesti

This week is a good time to think about climate science, and especially how governments listen to, and act on, the recommendations of climate experts.  It’s a good time to think about climate experts here in Canada, because one year ago the Canadian government got rid of the main expert agency responsible for advising it on environmental issues,

One year ago (June 18th, 2012), in an unprecedented attack on nature and democracy, Canada passed a far-reaching omnibus bill that repealed or weakened most of Canada’s foundational environmental laws.

Note: West Coast Environmental Law is proud to have provided an initial grant to the Hupacasath Nation through the Environmental Dispute Resolution Fund (EDRF) to develop this legal challenge. 

Congratulations to the people of the east coast of Vancouver Island who have been fighting the controversial Raven Coal Project, proposed by Compliance Coal Corporation.  Coalwatch Comox Valley, which has played a lead role in opposing the project, has received a series of grants from our

On June 5th Organizing for Change, a coalition made up of West Coast Environmental Law and 11 other leading environmental organizations, wrote to Premier Christy Clark to thank her for asking, on behalf of British Columbians, that the National Energy Board Joint Review Panel (JRP) recommend against approving the Enbridge pipelines and tankers pr

Like many,  I did not see Premier Christy Clark’s surprise majority win coming. 

On Earth Day (April 22nd) we joined many other environmental organizations in applauding Adrian Dix and the NDP for standing up for our coast, and expressing opposition to the expansion of the KinderMorgan Pipeline.  We were pleased to see similar language in the NDP’s platform, released sho

It was a very long way to travel to be turned away at the door.