Pump It Out : The Environmental Costs of BC's Upstream Oil and Gas Industry

Oil & Gas; Natural gas; Upstream Working Group; exploration; production; natural gas deposits; subsurface; surface rights; test well; environmental assessment
West Coast Environmental Law

Pump it Out is a web-based guide for citizens interested in knowing more about the environmental consequences of a typical ‘upstream’ oil and gas project in BC. These consequences can be both global (greenhouse gas emissions) and local (seismic lines, roads, pumpjacks, gathering lines, and processing facilities in the farm fields and wilderness areas of north-eastern BC). West Coast Environmental Law believes it is especially important to understand the environmental consequences now - at a time when major national, provincial, and local decisions are being made. Nationally, Canadians are debating how to implement the Kyoto Accord and Environment Canada is reporting that oil and gas production, processing, and transmission is responsible for much of Canada’s increase in greenhouse gas emissions over the last decade.

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West Coast Environmental Law
Publication City
Vancouver, BC
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