Oil and Gas Program: Discussion Paper

Oil & Gas; Natural gas;
Campbell, Karen; West Coast Environmental Law

The need to address the environmental impacts of oil and gas exploration and development issues in a dedicated manner is becoming more urgent. Despite considerable environmental and economic uncertainty, governments are still looking to natural resource dependent industries as the key to our economic future. In contrast, the environmental implications and significance of these activities is poorly understood. For many in the public, the link has not been made between consumptive lifestyles and environmental quality, be it climate change or harmful emissions. Our oil and gas reserves are a non-renewable asset: how they are liquidated, who absorbs the costs, and who reaps the benefits will have a major impact on how we transition to sustainability. This paper provides an overview of the context for these developments as perceived by West Coast Environmental Law. It is intended as a baseline discussion document to frame our efforts, and inform the efforts of others concerned about these important issues.

Publication Date
Publication Pages
West Coast Environmental Law
Publication City
Vancouver, BC
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