As the Winter Solstice marks the longest night of the year and shortest day of the year, we pause to reflect on the journey of 2024. This day is a time for honouring the light that guides us through the darkness — a perfect moment to celebrate the Nation-led stewardship and Indigenous law revitalization that have illuminated our path this year.
Throughout 2024, the RELAW (Revitalizing Indigenous Law for Land, Air, and Water) Program has been privileged to support and witness incredible examples of Indigenous law in action. Here are some highlights that we may celebrate on the shortest day and longest night of the year.
Reclaiming the Xhotsa: Restoring Sumas Lake
In June, alongside the Lower Fraser Working Group, RELAW contributed to an article, “Reclaiming the Xhotsa: Climate Adaptation and Ecosystem Restoration via the Return of Sumas Lake,” featured in Frontiers of Conservation. This article offers a missing narrative with analysis of Indigenous legal principles and the assessment of economic costs of “managed retreat”, defined as the purposeful relocation of people and infrastructure out of harm’s way. Read the full article.
Sumas Prairie, Semá:th Territory. Photo by Rayanna Seymour
Reclaiming Colonized Ocean Spaces
Our conversation with Nuxalk Chief Smawn highlighted the importance of reclaiming and protecting ocean spaces through Indigenous law. This June blog post brought attention to how Indigenous legal principles are essential in stewarding the health of our oceans and waters. Read the conversation with Chief Smawn.
Cedar, Sage & Sweetgrass Event
In July, we gathered at the Surrey Museum for the Cedar, Sage & Sweetgrass event. This celebration of Indigenous knowledge and culture provided an opportunity to spread the word about RELAW’s work with community members and connected us with new subscribers and dedicated volunteers. We are grateful for these moments of learning and connection.
RELAW Cedar, Sage and Sweetgrass Event July 13th, 2024, Dean and Joy at Booth. Photo: Michelle Carmichael
Turtle Island Festival
August brought us to Sunset Beach in Vancouver for the Turtle Island Festival. With an incredible lineup of Indigenous experts and performers, and many inspiring conversations about our work, this event was a beautiful example of community, celebration, and sharing the richness of Indigenous law.
RELAW at Turtle Island Festival August 24th, 2024. Photo Collage: Michelle Carmichael
RELAW Co-learning Program’s 2023-24 Cohort
We held our third retreat, called ‘Indigenous Law in Action’ in May at Brew Creek, on the shared territories of the St’át’imc and Squamish Nations. This is where we hear from Nations on how they are standing up their law – whether on the land, in the court, or in the boardroom – and we (co)learn about various strategies and approaches in standing up Indigenous law. We extend our deepest gratitude to our co-learners who share this path with us. Read more about the RELAW Retreats in our June Blog Post.
Beading Circle led by Summer Tyance, Brew Creek Centre Main Lodge, Whistler BC, May 29th, 2024. Photo: Summer Tyance
Retreat 3 Presentation, Whistler BC, May 28th, 2024. Photo: Michelle Carmichael
Land-based learning session led by cultural ambassador Kalkalilh – Deanna Lewis from the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nation. Brew Creek Centre, Whistler BC, May 28, 2024 / Photo: Rayanna Seymour
Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance Celebration
RELAW was honoured to join the Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance (LFFA) in celebrating over 10 years of Sq'eptset Syoyes Sth'o'th'eqwi – fishers working together on the lower Fraser River. This milestone underscores the strength of First Nations collaboration, of Nation alliances, and the enduring importance of listening to the salmon and working to support in protecting them, their rights and their habitats.
Skowkale, Aitchelitz, Yakweakwioose (S.A.Y. Lands Office) Project tour, October 2024. Photo: Rayanna Seymour
RELAW Lead and Lawyer Rayanna Seymour with fisheries biologist Aidan Fisher, LFFA Celebration, in the Semá:th Longhouse, Semá:th territory, October 2024. Photo: Rayanna Seymour
Growing and Nurturing the RELAW Team
This year, RELAW looked towards the future by expanding our team! We were thrilled to welcome Katłıà Lafferty to RELAW and Joanna El-Mikati as an Articled Law Student contributing to both the RELAW and Access to Justice Programs. Their passion, energy, and dedication have already enriched our work, and we are excited to continue growing together in 2025. You can learn more about the West Coast Team here.
In November, with our expanded team, we gathered for a rare and invigorating 2.5-day Strategic Planning Session with Nlaka’pamux facilitator Ecko Aleck and her team of Sacred Matriarch.
RELAW Staff and Indigenous Board Members at the Vancouver Indigenous Fashion Week Opening Night Red Dress Show, November 20th, 2024. Photo: Eugene Kung
RELAW Strategic Planning Staff and facilitator (Sacred Matriarch Creative’s Ecko Aleck) gather for a photo with our guide from Talaysay Talking Trees Tour, Stanley Park, Vancouver BC, November 19th, 2024. Photo: Rayanna Seymour
RELAW’s Strategic session coincided with West Coast Environmental Law’s 50th anniversary celebrations, making it a whirlwind of gathering, sharing, learning, and connecting. The experience strengthened our vision and renewed our commitment to the work ahead.
West Coast Environmental Law’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, Bill Reid Gallery November 21st, 2024. Photo: Dean Rohman
West Coast Environmental Law’s Holiday Celebrations – staff ferris wheel ride overlooking the heart of downtown Vancouver! December 2024. Photo: Rayanna Seymour
Looking Ahead to 2025
As we honour the light and darkness of 2024, we know that even more is on the horizon. There are so many innovative, creative and exciting stories of Indigenous law and Nation-led stewardship within the RELAW network, BC and beyond!
Stay tuned for updates, future co-learning opportunities, and milestones of Nations leading the work of standing up their laws for the land, air, and water.
Thank you to all, who are on this journey of resurgence, revitalization and land back. As more light returns, may you have restful celebration on this Winter Solstice 2024.
Top photo: Taku River Tlingit Territory, Stikine Region, BC, November 2024. Photo: Shawn Smith