Nominations open for 2024 Andrew Thompson Award


Recognizing 50 Years of Changemakers for Environmental Justice

The Andrew Thompson Award was established in 2002 by West Coast Environmental Law (West Coast) and the Thompson family as a legacy to Dr. Andrew Thompson, a ground-breaking BC environmental lawyer who was one of West Coast’s first directors. 

The Andrew Thompson Award honours individuals who have demonstrated an outstanding contribution to environmental protection and sustainability in British Columbia though the law.

In recognition of West Coast’s 50th Anniversary, the theme of this year’s Andrew Thompson Award will be “50 Years of Changemakers for Environmental Justice”.


In our work alongside Indigenous peoples and organizations, grassroots groups and concerned community members, over the decades West Coast Environmental Law has had the honour of working with innumerable individuals who have effectively used the law to strengthen environmental protection and sustainability in BC.

Whether they are political or community leaders or folks working tirelessly behind the scenes, unsung heroes or on the front lines, this year’s Andrew Thompson Award will honour some of these incredible folks whose work has made an impact during the past 50 years. 

  1. Nominations are open to BC residents of any age who have made a significant lifetime contribution to environmental protection and sustainability in BC through the law. 
  2. The nominees’ contributions may, for example, be:
    • in negotiations, litigation, community advocacy, law reform, planning or other areas
    • related to Indigenous, international, federal, provincial or local laws affecting BC
  3. Nominees do not need to be lawyers.
  4. The nominee’s contributions to environmental protection and sustainability should be broadly aligned with West Coast’s mandate and values.
  5. Nominees must consent to participating.

To nominate an Environmental Justice Changemaker

Please submit your nomination using this nomination form before October 15, 2024.


  • Past Andrew Thompson Award winners will automatically be recognized as part of the “50 Years of Changemakers for Environmental Justice” initiative without renomination.
  • Current West Coast staff and board members are not eligible for the Andrew Thompson Award.

Past Andrew Thompson Award winners

Over the years, the Andrew Thompson Award has recognized several inspiring individuals who have made significant contributions to environmental protection and sustainability through law. Previous award recipients include: 

  • Bill Andrews, environmental lawyer and former West Coast Executive Director; 
  • Malii (Glen Williams), President, Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs and gid7ahl-gudsllaay (Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson), citizen of, and General Counsel, to the Haida Nation; 
  • Calvin Sandborn, Director, UVic Environmental Law Centre; 
  • Bill Turner, Founder and Chair of TLC (The Land Conservancy of British Columbia) and Keith and Bernadette Wyton, community leaders who organized Alberni Valley residents and groups to form the Citizens’ Stewardship Coalition; and 
  • David Anderson, former federal Environment Minister.

The 2024 Andrew Thompson Award provides an opportunity to recognize not just one but many different changemakers whose actions have made an impact for land, water, the climate, wild species and healthy communities across the province.

Submit your nomination(s) for the 2024 Andrew Thompson Award today!

West Coast Environmental Law